Thursday, September 15, 2005

Oye Vah! What a time...

Well as it was mentioned in my previous post I was on the road to recovery after my surgery but things quickly took a turn for the worst last weekend and I was at the emergency room this past Monday and then admitted in the hospital for two days. It was crazy.

You see when they went in to get my gallbladder (because I had gallstones) they didn't notice a few little stones escaped and consequently I had to go back into the hospital and for another procedure to grasp the "leftover" stones. So now I am back to recovering and things are looking much better.

However, I must admit I learned something during this "first" experience with surgery and the hospitals. They are horrible. If you have never been admitted into the hospital unexpectedly consider it a great blessing. It's a scary time. During my first night I had a slight panic attack because I just didn't know what to expect or how to handle things. I had never felt so far from reality then right then. And then the worst part is the constant waking up every 3 hours for blood work (which I hate needles) and blood pressure/temperature checks. It's absolutely insane. But I do know one thing that I learned friends and family make all the difference. It was such an encouragement to have phone calls, flowers, gifts and cards. So just know that if you know someone who is in the hospital or planning on going those thoughts mean so much to them.

**On a positive side note during good and bad times I was able to return to Charlotte, NC for a very good friend's wedding and some great times with my friends that I miss dearly (but soon hope to return to)!!

Congratulations Kim and Paul !

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Well I have officially now had my first surgery. On Tuesday I went "under the knife" to remove my gallbladder and now I'm just trying to have a smooth recovery. Currently I feel like I have done about 6000 situps and I'm really, REALLY sore. But all is well and I think my recovery is going pretty smoothly. Anyways I just wanted to post an update and that's why I haven't been posting alot recently I was trying to prepare for lots of rest :)

Have a great day and I will report when I'm back up to my springy self!
