Sunday, February 22, 2009

Moving again? This must be a joke!

Can anyone of us keep up with this everchanging society? Who knows, but I sure am trying.

See you on the information superhighway! Facebook! :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I've moved

I just wanted to let everyone know that since there are more "tricks" and "friends" on myspace I have officially converted.

If you want to find me go

Talk to you all soon!!

This picture was taken outside of Radio City Music Hall in NYC.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Early Birthday Blessings and such

Even though my birthday is tomorrow my work wanted to make sure that I celebrated it in style..... because I was taking the rest of the week off......

Just wanted to share pictures of the mess that my co-workers made in my corner cubby. It was just a mess but it was great to feel so appreciated. They went all out and even hand shredded all the little shreds. Then on top of all of that they had flowers delivered for me that are two tier and being held up by a "coke-a-COLA" can :) too funny!

Here are the flowers. Please ignore the date, forgot to update the camera.....

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

4th of July Festivities

Well things have been very exciting over the past few weeks. Dad came back to visit with the family for two weeks (over the 4th of July) and came bearing gifts and pictures. The picture you see on the left is actually him about to go snorkeling in the Red Sea, a regular Friday ritual. He was able to bring back some amazing seashells and other interesting finds that a person would just not expect to find in the Red Sea. But I'm sure it's just got to be amazing to be in such a historical area and making your faith and Bible stories turn into a reality. It's just too cool to imagine. But while he was here John and I were also able to spend some time with my family.
My sister came down to stay with us for a week with her girls while DJ was at Space Camp and from what I can get from him it was neat. But from what mom and Michele says it sounded really interesting, even Tom Hanks showed up because his son was there.

Then my brother David and his family (Lavon, Tyler, and Jonathan), my parents, and John and I went up to Blue Ridge Mountains and stayed in these amazing cabins (see picture below). While there we saw a movie, went tubing down the Ocoee River (highly recommend) and then experienced our own Hillbilly Fourth of July....I swear the GA mountains are where the hillbillies hide. But they sure are an enjoyable group to people watch.
So after that we all headed down to our house and my brother Timothy and his family (Cindy, James, and Ellen) joined the fun. So for the past few days we have had one hectic household. But what good is a big house if you are afraid to share.

Well that's about all that's been going on with us, now we are just enjoying the fam and having some sweet summertime. But I will say my next day of fun I'm greatly looking forward to and that is spending my birthday with my husband at Six Flags. I have been looking at all the rides and it's been so I can't wait!

Hope everyone had a safe and fun
4th of July!!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Patience is a virtue.....

Sorry it's been awhile since I posted last but there have been a rush of things that have been going on so I figure the best way to let you all know is bulleted points, so here I go.

  • We decided to get a dog, prepped the house, bought the stuff, decided not to get the dog. What an emotional roller coaster. But ultimately it was the best decision for the time being. I just couldn't get a dog with both of us working full-time and going out of town too terribly often.
  • Decided I wanted to start gardening so planted some flowers and such outside of our side door. You'll be able to see the pictures below. Do you like?? I think it kind of looks like something that you would see in a Bible play or something...but that's just my mom's opinion.
  • We organized our garage. After mom moved in we just kind of threw things in the garage so we decided to have a garage sale (made almost $400) and then mom wanted to start parking in the garage so we had to organize. But it looks great and since we cleaned it out mom got us a garage door opener. Isn't amazing what excites you when your married?
  • Then we also have planned a mountain vacation when Dad comes in to town to visit from Saudi Arabia. We are very excited about the trip and also being able to hang out with my siblings again...

Well that's about it but I will try to keep a better blog as we move into the summer :) Enjoy the pics.

P.S. I now have a myspace too and I like posting pic there better so go and check them out (from San Francisco) but just know that I only blog here :)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Seasons and lives are a changin'

Well not only seasons changing but so many other things in my life are changing. First of all let me say NO I'm not pregnant. hee hee I know that's what you were thinking. Actually there have been so many things going on but the biggest change is that.....

My mom just moved in with us.

You see my dad just took a job in Saudi Arabia and flew out today. So since he has officially left the country and God blessed us with such a large home it's now getting used. But just keep my dad in your prayers for a safe trip and stay. At this time he's on a year contract but it could be continued by his choice when it's time for renewal. He's anxious but I think (from what I've read) he'll enjoy the challenge and opportunities.

So right when we got back from San Francisco (on vacation) we have had a "Family Send Off" weekend where everyone in the family came here (all 17) and we had just good 'ole family time. Then last weekend we prepped the "Mother-in-law" suite and moved mom in. So this would be the reason I haven't posted recently, but thank you for your patience.

So what's going on with all of you???

P.S. I finished my book by the time we got back from Vegas and I thought it was great. So now I'm starting another one "The Five People You'll Meet In Heaven". I might actually become a reader!!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Yippy we are in San Francisco!!!

Just wanted to say hey and.....

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Here's a little Irish Tradition for the day:

Many people will be eating Irish food such as Irish Stew and Corned Beef and cabbage on St. Patrick's Day. Corned Beef is not an Irish dish. It is what Americans think the Irish eat. A more traditional meal would be ham and cabbage or bacon and cabbage. Some say that in Ireland on St. Patrick's Day the traditional green beer is prominent. However, in Ireland, many years ago, St. Patrick's Day is considered a holy day and Pubs were not open for business. There were no parades, no drinking or wearing green. Green was considered an unlucky color. Crazy huh??