Tuesday, October 25, 2005

"Holy" Halloween?? Say what?

Okay so John and I have been going to a wonderful church and we have a "lifegroup" that we attend for a weekly Bible study which is incredibly interesting. But at our last meeting they stated that we wouldn't be meeting on Monday night because it would be Halloween. Which then made them start talking about what some of them do that night and I must admit I was kind of shocked. You see as a child I was NEVER allowed to participate in any Halloween antics so it's amazing to me what kind of things people were able to do at Halloween. I mean when I was a kid we always went to church on the night for our "Autumn Festival","Fall Festival","Calvary Carnvial"...basically you think of a corny NON-halloween name and our church evening was called it. Then to top things off we had to come dressed up as a Bible character. Now most churches now adays will let you dress in anything not evil or scary but I was not that lucky. However, I do remember the only2 times, yes 2 times I was able to go trick or treating I was 12 and then 13 and it was always last minute so I never really had a costume. Once I was a baby and the other time a bag lady, all things that can be homemade costumes. But I feel like I missed something in my childhood because of this so it brings me to the question of what will I let my kids do??

Now that being said I am trying to ask fellow friends what they grew up doing and what they will let their kids do when this time of year comes around. Granted we don't have a clue what our neighborhoods will be like or the crime rates but if you had let's say a 7 year old right now what would you do when they come to ask you if for a costume and trick'r treating??

I'd love to hear your thoughts!!!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Back to Blogging...

Well it has been awhile since my last blog but so much has gone on. I would like to say PRAISE THE LORD my health appears to be back to normal. There have been no unplanned Dr's visits for about 2 weeks which for now is wonderful. Also, John and I have made a big move in our life and signed a contract on a home. As some as you may know John and I have expressed an interest to leave the Atlanta area but we came to the realization that this will be just a few years and rent was just looking daunting. So we decided to take the plunge and purchase a home. However there were many things that we took under consideration while looking that all needed to be "yes" answers....

1. Could we resell this house in a few years and make a profit?
2. If we were unable to move in more than 5 years and raise a family would we be happy in this home?
3. Could family visit and not feel like we were all on top of each other?
4. Does it have more than .5 of an acre?
5. Is it in an established neighborhoord?
6. Is it in a good location from work? I-85? Church? Play?

So with all of our considerations met we found a GREAT place and if all goes well we will be closing on 10/28/05.

Now here's the home details. It's was built in 1990 and is on 1.01 acre in an established neighborhood about the same distance as our apartment so commutes are still wonderful. It's approx. 2400 sq ft with 5 bedrooms and 3 full baths. There is also a detached garage with loft storage and the yard is completely landscaped and partially fenced. It also has hardwood floors in the "common areas" (living room, dining room, kitchen, sitting room, hallway and foyer).

Granted it's a great purchase for us but there are some updates that need to be done but all in all we are thrilled!! Here's a picture!!

And on a side note when we signed yesterday we were able to celebrate by going to Elton John (thanks to Careerbuilder.com one of my vendors). It made for a wonderful weekend!!

YIPPEEEEEEE What a blessed time!!!